Ep. 683 – Fighter’s History

Fighter’s History, fresh today, courtesy Nintendo Switch Online’s Super Nintendo platform. What do you think when you see the box art? A little creeped out? Wondering if these are Street Fighter knockoffs so blatant they must be illegal? WRONG! They are very legal very blatant Street Fight knockoffs according to a court of law and we certainly get into it. We talk Funko pops, horror movies, Multiversus, and Pokemon Go. So come sit awhile and listen to a review and history lesson over Fighter’s History!

Fighter’s History Shownotes:


Ep. 675 – Congo’s Caper

Congo’s Caper! Now ya’ll, this is certainly a chonker of an episode, mainly due to one factor – the reunion of TADPOG I.T. with Jon Turley! We talk about Ian’s new obsessions, anime and simulated power washing. We talk about some new television, new game releases, a few new movies and probably too deep of a dive into Congo’s Caper. How does this compare to Joe & Mac? What’s it’s relation to that game? Come sit awhile, listen, and find out. You can have a little Congo’s Caper as a treat.

Congo’s Caper Shownotes:


Ep. 625 – Joe & Mac

Joe & Mac

Do you know how many cave man platformers there are for the SNES? Oddly, it’s a lot. Do you remember Joe & Mac being one of the best, but is it? We continue our wonderful streak of having on Wizened Sage Ian to delve into this childhood favorite. The sequel was covered MANY years ago but how does the original compare?

Joe & Mac Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
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  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
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  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 540 – Dragon’s Lair

Dragon's Lair

Dragon’s Lair! Did you see the art and episode announcement and got excited? WELL DIAL IT BACK! WE AREN’T TALKING ABOUT THE GOOD ONE! We dive into the SNES port – and what a doozy. Tyler and Dave do talk about the works of Don Bluth, smells we think everyone needs to smell, and bring up the beauty of a twerking Sonic. Enjoy!

Dragon’s Lair Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 493 – Caveman Games

Caveman Games

Tyler’s back, baby! …and we’re talking about Caveman Games, the 1990 port of Caveman Ughlympics for the NES. We bring on leading TADPOG Nation anthropologist, Edgelord Kyle to talk about this historically authentic “sports video game”. We wrap things up by listening to some voicemails.

Caveman Games Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Theme Song:

  • Our regular theme song is Moves by Sycamore Drive and is used as our intro/outro under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.o United States License.

Ep. 488 – Karnov


Karnov! Since we fought him in Bad Dudes we just had to play his very own game. For this special episode we bring on entirely new guest host Chris Black! We open a package, we take a quiz, we talk Karnov and oddly enough we get real.

Continue reading

Ep. 487 – Bad Dudes

Bad Dudes

Do you love the 2000s? Do you love Jerry Seinfeld? Then don’t worry your head because there is plenty of talk about the smash 2007 hit Bee Movie! We also take a small tangent to bring on Drew and Bailey Rowland of Hops and Heroes fame to discuss the Data East game Bad Dudes. We also settle the argument between spaghetti and maple syrup, create a billion dollar underwear idea and take the baddest quiz courtesy of Bovine Bear Matt Cowan.

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Ep. 139 – Ready Player One Series: Heavy Barrel


It’s an even more special Monday, TADPOG Nation, as we get a new series underway. We just love Ready Player One so much and it resonated with our show so strongly that we’re going to play through the games that are often mentioned in the book. Don’t worry, its spoiler free until we’ve played through the games and then we’ll do a super spoiler heavy episode just about the book. Since she loves Wil Wheaton so much we just had to have Nikki Moore on the show for this one. She was very good at Heavy Barrel too. We talk about when boys are at their sexiest, how the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would rap and a little bit about Heavy Barrel.

In This Episode:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.

Theme Song:

  • Our regular theme song is Moves by Sycamore Drive and is used as our intro/outro under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.o United States License.

