Ep. 001 – Street Fighter X Mega Man

Street Fighter X Mega Man

Welcome to the first recording of TADPOG: Tyler and Dave Play Old Games. In this episode we talk about Capcom’s Street Fighter X Mega Man. Tyler endured a grievous wound in order to record this show.

Street Fighter X Mega Man is a free game developed by a fan and released by Capcom for the 25th Anniversary of Mega Man. Get the game from Capcom’s site and play it for yourself.

The soundtrack by Luke “A_Rival” Esquivel is free and available on his website.

Find us on facebook.com/tadpog or tadpog.com and let us know what you think of the show.

The song Moves by Sycamore Drive was used as our intro/outro under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.o United States License.

