Ep. 781 – “Outlander” for the SNES or “Mad Max 2: Legally Distinct Edition”

Outlander. So here is the thing, this is the Mad Max 2 game for SNES. Why isn’t it called Mad Max? Reasons. Outlander. Licensing. All that jazz. The important part is that there was a Max Max 2: The Road Warrior for SNES but it ended up being called Outlander. Of course there are tons of other things called Outlander. So many other things I would have rather this game been called Crazy Carl or Nutty Nathaniel. ANYWAY. We get to talk about Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior! And also the stuff about this game. So please, sit awhile and listen us review and an amazing movie and a game that falls all over the spectrum for us! Outlander. There is also a draft. You like drafts, right? We do. We hope you do too.

Outlander Shownotes:


Ep. 780 – The Rocketeer

The Rocketeer figuratively rockets onto TADPOG shores (and directly into into a garbage can that we keep there). We continue our long running series yet again where we watch the movie and play the game. We take a deep dive into this movie for a nice little review and then hop skip and jump onto the straight up dumpster fire that is the game. Really, we don’t even want to be coy with this like maybe we liked or maybe we didn’t and you’ll have to tune in and see. This game blows goats. It’s truly terrible. But come sit and while and let us tell you why! The Rocketeer!

The Rocketeer Shownotes:


Ep. 779 – Blind Draft Day II

Blind Draft Day II is on the books! Some things came up that preventing us from being 100% ready for the Rocketeer so we did some more blind drafts! But first, Ian has a pretty epic rant about some real jerkfaces. But we do talk a bit about Loki, how predatory some loans can be, a Robin Williams movie, and a little but more. If you like a personality focused episode and enjoy the banter and with groans and cheers that come along with a blind draft – we’ve got another banger of an episode for you. If you really like the games, hey, we’ll see you next week for the Rocketeer. We love you. So please, do us a solid and stay awhile and listen! Blind Draft Day II!

Blind Draft Day II Shownotes:


Ep. 778 – Soda Jerks: Cementerio

Soda Jerks: Cementerio flows like delicious carbonated liquid into TADPOG studios! Have you missed our special podcast within a podcast where we review sodas? YOU ARE IN LUCK with this very special episode where we try the full (available in Kentucky) catalog of Jarritos brand Mexican sodas. We also throw in a blind draft or two. We’ll get back to the games and movies next week when we all aren’t traveling for work. So please, come sit awhile and listen to 3 men over 40 drink sodas. Soda Jerks: Cementerio!

Soda Jerks: Cementerio Shownotes:


Ep. 777 – Batman Returns

Batman Returns! Seriously, we’ve done Batman games before and now we are doing another one so he’s totally returning. But its better than that, it’s all the second and final Tim Burton Batman movie! We are pretty ready to talk about this one so we cut to the chase pretty quickly with plenty of talk about the movie in depth then have quite a bit to say about the game. We also have Uncrustables. COME SIT AWHILE AND LISTEN!

Batman Returns Shownotes:


Ep. 776 – Blind Draft Day (and some Calls)!

Blind Draft Day (and some Calls) comes around for us. Anytime we have to do that quick Monday to Thursday turn around time to catch up on recordings (12 years running on not letting you down yet) so we enjoy getting to mix is up with plenty of discussions, blind drafts, more blind drafts, another draft that happens to be done blindly, and one last thing where Tyler names random things based on a similar premise while Dave and Ian do some sort of ranking where they don’t know what the next item is going to be. So we have that going for us, which is nice. So, please come sit awhile and listen to us do all those things for Blind Draft Day (and some Calls)!

Blind Draft Day (and some Calls) Shownotes:


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Ep. 775 – Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy agitates the gravel on his way to TADPOG shores courtesy of the fact we just felt like doing this movie/game combo. This one is a real Girth Brooks with some TV talk, Ian’s Horror Hole, the drama of Tenacious D, and the mourning of the passing of some of our favorite celebrities. We do a double barrel ten spot blind draft then dive head long into Dick Tracy from the movies and the NES. Won’t you be so kind as to stay awhile and listen?

Dick Tracy Shownotes:


Ep. 774 – Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Who Framed Roger Rabbit defies all trademarks and finally arrives at TADPOG shores. Not because the Mini Randomizer said so (that demi god’s domain only extends to SNES movie games) but because we just wanted to do it. We visit the Ian’s Horror Hole, discuss some new drops on Netflix, talk about some games AND WE BRING ON CAPTAIN GUN NERD JON TURLEY. We try some chocolate. We take a psychology quiz. We blind draft something….SO please come sit awhile and listen to use go on about not just the movie but also the game of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit Shownotes:


