Ep. 803 – Super Bowling

Super Bowling adds maximum oil to its lanes to slide its way onto TADPOG shores. Finally, the last pin has fallen as we have now completed the entire bowling game library for the SNES (there are only 2 games). So we celebrate with a very long 15 spot blind draft, talk about the life and death of Multiversus, some bowling movies, Ian’s Horror Hole movies of the week, pickles, and more. So if you’re a fan of some sweet sweet bowling action and 3 cis white guys talking about it on the Super Nintendo, won’t you come sit awhile and listen?

Super Bowling Shownotes:


Ep. 802 – Riddick Bowe Boxing

Riddick Bowe Boxing big daddies its way onto TADPOG shores, courtesy of the revitalized Randomizer (now back with full otherworldly powers). We bring on our foremost Boweologist, Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley. We sample some burgers, ala Good Mythical Morning style, while blindfolded. We discuss the merits of fast food, the history of Nosferatu, the perils of Overwatch 2 and Marvel Rivals, and more. Then we do a pretty deep dive into the particulars of Riddick Bowe Boxing. So won’t you sit awhile and listen?

Riddick Bowe Boxing Shownotes:


Ep. 797 – Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York wraps up our SNES movie based games list. Farewell to thee, Mini-Randomizer. For a Christmas treat, we do a deep dive into the movie then as deep of a dive as possible into the SNES game. But first we talk about Maury, open some Christmas gifts, visit Ian’s Horror hole, and do the absolute most disgusting thing we have recorded on the show. All hail Dave for such a moment. So please, come sit awhile and listen to all things Home Alone 2 and more – MERRY CHRISTMAS with this little presentation of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Shownotes:


Ep. 796 – Pink Goes to Hollywood

Pink Goes to Hollywood! Why? TO GET AN AMBURGHEIR? GET IT! STEVE MARTIN! Yes, take this game and pair it with Steve Martin’s 2006 version of The Pink Panther. We roll in strong with talk of the latest shows and anime we’ve watched, stroll into Ian’s Horror Hole then do a pretty deep break down of the movie before jumping into the game talk. Lots of trivia and movie facts abound here. If you like the 60s Pink Panther, the 2000s version, the 90s cartoon or more – then you may find a little place here while we cover Pink Goes to Hollywood!

Pink Goes to Hollywood Shownotes:


Ep. 795 – Super Godzilla

Super Godzilla rises from the seas around TADPOG studios, bringing with it Godzilla Minus One for us to watch – since this game doesn’t parallel any Godzilla in particular (as far as we can tell). Of course, Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley – our foremost Godzillologist, joins us. As he did not watch the movie or play the game he is there to be pretty and we love it. So join us as we talk about Jack Black, a made for TV movie starring John Travolta, a 62 hour audio book, building our own boy dinner, and finally Godzilla Minus One and this very very off SNES game. Please, sit awhile and listen to Super Godzilla!

Super Godzilla Shownotes:


Ep. 794 – Toy Story

Toy Story is a true tale of gripping mythical science on the autonomy of spirit, the self-actualization of non-human entities, and the rules of engagement they have pre-conceived as a survival mechanism against a more dominant society of war-like god beings known as “the humans.” Or something like that. I saw the movie a long time ago. Come listen to us talk about it, the rules that govern it’s existence, and even more about the SNES game about it! We talk about some anime first, a few games, a few movies, and even try to latest round of sour candy. Some please, come sit and enjoy a podcast all about Toy Story (and a little about Cars and how it makes us feel.)

Toy Story Shownotes:


Ep. 793 – Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast. It’s a podcasting tale as old as time (well, 12 years at least). We are nearing the end of the SNES movie games list so the time has come to discuss both the game and the movie for Beauty and the Beast. We just had to bring on our foremost Beastologist, Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley, to give zero insight into this movie since he has never seen it. That’s how much we love him. So please, come hang out with us while we talk a bit about kidney stones, horror movies and all the iterations of this story. Please, sit awhile and listen to this podcast about Beauty and the Beast!

Beauty and the Beast Shownotes:


Ep. 787 – Soldiers of Fortune

Soldiers of Fortune, aka THE CHAOS ENGINE, hits the shores of TADPOG. Hey, this is an important day! On this, the day of recording, it is our very own Dave’s birthday. So we have to celebrate in style with trying a soda, giving him a gift, talking about RPGs and some TV shows then doing a deep dive into this maybe hidden gem of a game that only Tyler had heard of in a magazine when he was kid. So come please, come sit awhile and listen to us break down this down along with a few anime. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAVE!

Soldiers of Fortune Shownotes:


