Ep. 760 – All Drafts: Total Eclipse Edition

All Drafts: Eclipse Edition comes to blindly on this hallowed, the day of eclipse. Well, for us anyway. TADPOG happens to lie right in the path of totality so it was quite the day for the area. And quite the day for Ian, his has finally been bitten by the COVID zombie. He didn’t hide his bite but was a great host protagonist and told the group. So to not spread it, this episode sounds a little different since we are remote for it. So be patient and kind with us please, the plague must be contained. So listen to us go through some drafts with All Drafts: Eclipse Edition!

All Drafts: Eclipse Edition Shownotes:


Ep. 731 – One Calls

One Calls! That’s right. We take exactly 1 call. Is it particularly long and cucumbersome (I realize) call? Does it take us deep into our souls and yield the fruit of beautiful revealing conversation? Or do we go really long on a draft we enjoyed and only had time to take a single call? You should listen and find out. We may technically take 2 calls but that first call is something totally different. How is it different? Why is it different? You’ll have to sit awhile and listen to find out. One Calls.

One Calls Shownotes:


Ep. 727 – All Calls Marvel Edition

All Calls Marvel Edition! Why is it our Marvel edition? Because prior to taking calls, we do a rather extensive 10 spot draft of Marvel Heroes. We had a very busy work week so we needed something simple to turn around quickly and you know how much we love to do a therapeutic All Calls episode. There is a draft. The are calls from Terrified Michell. There are more calls from Terrified Michelle. Did we mention those calls? There are plenty. We’ll be back next week with a game but if you like Marvel and Michelle, come sit awhile and listen to All Calls Marvel Edition!

All Calls Shownotes:


Ep. 725 – SimAnt

SimAnt! Finally, the time of the TADPOG ant has come AND IT’S A PHIL EPISODE! So come join us, and our foremost simantics (you’ll hear that a lot) expert, one Sandwich Pope Phil Hawkins, take a deep dive into SimAnt for the SNES…and for DOS. We talk about some games we have played, remember playing a few Double Dragon games, visit Ian’s Horror Hole, find out Ian’s true feelings on Jake Gyllenhaal, say the title of the many Sims games, and a few other things. So please, listen a draft, a little bit of game talk but mostly enjoy just sitting for awhile to listen. SimAnt!

SimAnt Shownotes:


Ep. 724 – All…Calls?

All…Calls? Yeah, that’s best sums it up. We had some scheduling stuff and wanted to take 30 calls that Terrified Michelle had left us. There was an attempt made at that, BUT FIRST WE MUST FINISH THE CARTOON DRAFT AND TAKE IT ALL THE WAY TO 20 PLACES! Then we have to really go on some tangents about cartoons. Maybe we then go on more tangents about cartoons. Possibly we go on a few more cartoon tangents. Some calls from Michelle are taken. Don’t you worry about that. Just hang with us on this one because it was a blast to record, so please enjoy our episode of All…Calls?

All…Calls Shownotes:


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Ep. 698 – Oops! All Drafts

Oops! All Drafts! We had to do it folks, it was a bad and busy week all the way around for all of us so we needed something easy that would we would really enjoy – so we asked our discord channel to step up and they certainly did! We whittled down a TON of suggestions to a list to a few choice selections that sounded fun and set to burning through them. AND to make things better, we had on Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley to round them all out so no d4 can end the show prematurely. So hang out with us for awhile, won’t you?

Oops! All Drafts Shownotes:


Ep. 686 – The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz for the SNES continues our parade of hard to play games. Does this deserve to be one those iconically horrible games ranking up there with Shaq Fu, Bebe’s Kids, Lester the Unlikely, Bill Laimbeer’s Combat Basketball, and Pit Fighter? We might tell you. Or we might even debate that amongst ourselves. But before that, we have to do a soda draft. Followed up by some horror chat, some great restaurants in the L.A. area where Dave got to visit, and Dane’s quiz returns with a vengeance. Come sit awhile and listen to use review the validity of the hot garbage label on The Wizard of Oz.

The Wizard of Oz Shownotes:


Ep. 685 – Terminator 2: Judgment Day & T2: The Arcade Game

The Randomizer served some BAD, emphasis on that syllable, to the bone games in Terminator 2: Judgment Day and T2: The Arcade game to us this week. Ian takes Tyler’s weathered old mantle as the Cloud of Negativity when it comes to there two LJN classics. So come listen to us double on the Terminator games, we do another draft (hey, we like these a lot), talking some horror movies, talk some Overwatch 2, and get a gander at Dave’s Steam Deck. Come sit awhile and listen to us really bemoan Terminator 2: Judgment Day & T2: The Arcade Game!

Terminator 2: Judgment Day & T2: The Arcade Game Shownotes:


