Ep. 721 – GP-1 & GP-1: Part II (SNES)

GP-1 & GP-1: Part II (SNES), YOU READ THAT RIGHT! We’ve finally decided to do the heralded GP series on the SNES! What? You’re not familiar? and the naming scheme for these games is bad and in the same vein as X-Boxes? I’m shocked. Outright and totally shocked. Well, please stick around for all that game talk. Maybe even a draft. There is some Cuphead talk to be had. We visit Ian’s Horror Hole and talk about some other movies as well. So please, come sit awhile and listen to GP-1 & GP-1: Part II (SNES)!

GP-1 & GP-1: Part II (SNES) Shownotes:


Ep. 636 – Super Valis IV

Super Valis IV

Super Valis IV! You love this long running series on the SNES! Wait, you didn’t play the other three? They weren’t on SNES? They were much deeper PC games? Well, what does that makes this game? COME SIT AWHILE AND LISTEN while we delve into the good things and the bad things of the this PC port for the Super Nintendo. Tyler, Dave, and Ian talk Halloween, how amazing the products from Apes in Capes and Khris Vaughn are, and so much more.

Super Valis IV Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 592 – Run Saber

Run Saber

What do game do we want? HADES! When do we want it? NOW! What did we end up playing? RUN SABER! How was it? …surprising?

This week the Randomizer threw up a total mystery in Run Saber. We may have talked off mic about Hades for an hour before we started but we had a pretty good deep dive into Run Saber, it’s not at all what we expected. So join us as we talk a little Hades, a lot Run Saber and a pretty solid dramatic reading of the crazy story behind this game.

Run Saber Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 390 – Persona 4

Persona 4

Drew and Bailey from Hops and Heroes join us to give their impressions of Persona 4, the RPG by Atlus. We do talk about the game a little, but there are lots of tangents about Bailey’s hair, the delicious and affordable Aldi/Trader Joe’s Thanksgiving, using an iPad with a large fleshy sponge-finger and of course Chris Gaines. Continue reading

Ep. 389 – Persona 3

Persona 3

JRPG or GTFO, you know how we roll. Wizened Sage Ian joins us for a special TODPOG episode where Tyler tells us about Persona 3 for the PlayStation 2 and PSP. Some talk spills over to conversation about the Shin Megami Tensei series as a whole. Lots of other great stuff happens in this episode: Tyroni Baloney debuts and tells us a cat story, the phrase “Suck him dry!” is thrown around a lot,  an Illuminati plot is revealed(!), and we talk about the upcoming Fantasy World Patreon bonus episode. Continue reading

Ep. 195 – Catherine


It’s Monday, TADPOG Nation. We aren’t quite crossing one off the Eventually list but this is a game that was given to us by Lord Matt Barger out of his fat fat package a few years ago and we were meaning to get around to it…eventually. So this week we’re doing the Atlus Puzzle, Adventure, Dating and Horror game – Catherine. We actually talk about some sad but appropriate intro stories, what organs we are missing (and even set a new Patron goal) and what we thought about Catherine. We liked this one. We hope you do too.

In This Episode:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and our back catalog on our Soundcloud let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.

Theme Song:

  • Our regular theme song is Moves by Sycamore Drive and is used as our intro/outro under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.o United States License.

