Ep. 782 – Pitfighter


Pitfighter. That’s right. We are tackling the legendary SNES port of the arcade game Pitfighter. More famously known as Sh*tfighter. We can’t even pretend. We can go ahead and get right ahead of this one and say this game is truly the stuff of nightmares. But how bad is it really? We have a pretty granular conversation trying parse out just how bad this game is and where is falls in the over SNES ranking. Does Street Hockey 95 retain its crown as the worst SNES game we have ever played? To find out, just sit awhile and listen!

Pitfighter Shownotes:


Ep. 688 – GunForce

GunForce?! MORE LIKE FUNFORCE (trademark of Dave Moore) AMIRITE?!?!?! I would highly advise you listen and find out for certain, I mean look at that box art! And everyone has heard all about this SNES port of the GunForce arcade! We also talk about Halloween, the latest edition of “Ian’s Horror Hole” (Not trademarked, public domain), some anime recommendations, some Seinfeld references, and a very special quiz by one Mr. Puzzles Dane. Please sit awhile and listen.

GunForce Shownotes:


Ep. 600 – The Combatribes

The Combatribes

What is a cyborg? Is it a robot? Are they like androids? All we know is THEY AIN’T LADIES, courtesy of The Combatribes, this week’s SNES game from The Randomizer. We bring back Casey of Piggy Palace fame to talk about his emotional week…and this game. Is The Combatribes a hidden gem? What is Casey’s racy snapchat? What kind of dress-up are we going to be playing? Have a listen and find out!

The Combatribes Shownotes:


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