Ep. 782 – Pitfighter


Pitfighter. That’s right. We are tackling the legendary SNES port of the arcade game Pitfighter. More famously known as Sh*tfighter. We can’t even pretend. We can go ahead and get right ahead of this one and say this game is truly the stuff of nightmares. But how bad is it really? We have a pretty granular conversation trying parse out just how bad this game is and where is falls in the over SNES ranking. Does Street Hockey 95 retain its crown as the worst SNES game we have ever played? To find out, just sit awhile and listen!

Pitfighter Shownotes:


Ep. 779 – Blind Draft Day II

Blind Draft Day II is on the books! Some things came up that preventing us from being 100% ready for the Rocketeer so we did some more blind drafts! But first, Ian has a pretty epic rant about some real jerkfaces. But we do talk a bit about Loki, how predatory some loans can be, a Robin Williams movie, and a little but more. If you like a personality focused episode and enjoy the banter and with groans and cheers that come along with a blind draft – we’ve got another banger of an episode for you. If you really like the games, hey, we’ll see you next week for the Rocketeer. We love you. So please, do us a solid and stay awhile and listen! Blind Draft Day II!

Blind Draft Day II Shownotes:


Ep. 772 – TADPOG Cheat Day!

TADPOG Cheat day! That’s right, we had a quick turn around because of work related things so we treated ourselves to a cheat day. That means we just chat, do some fun little games (blind drafting) and just hang out. Not much game stuff for this one but if you feel like hanging out with us for a little while to cheat on your steady diet of video game content, please sit awhile and listen!

TADPOG Cheat Day Shownotes:


