Ep. 594 – Hit the Ice

Hit the Ice

Did you love the basketball episode last week? Do you just live for TADPOG Sports? Well, you’re likely totally alone. So, one person, we bring you a hockey game, courtesy of the Randomizer—Hit the Ice! The most NBA Jamesest of SNES hockey games…but is that a good thing? You can probably guess. Come hang out with us chatting about bedtime schedules, drinking soda, a little Hades, and a little Outer Worlds.

Hit the Ice Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
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  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 100 – Lufia II: The Rise of the Sinistrals


Hey, TADPOG Nation, its our 100th episode. We’re not really going to bring it up much but just remind you. Milestone episode or not, its Wednesday so that makes it one of Original Flavor. This week we discuss IGN’s #34th ranked game, Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals. Well, Dave talks about it and Tyler mostly gushes about childhood memories. Hey, there is a quiz at the end. Did we mention its out 100th episode? Tangents include starting your own personal Fight Club, Harlequin Romance and Shaquille O’Neal’s penchant for giving away black labradors with conditions.

In This Episode:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.

Theme Song:

  • Our regular theme song is Moves by Sycamore Drive and is used as our intro/outro under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.o United States License.

Ep. 060 – Bust-a-Move


On this episode of TADPOG Original Flavor Wednesday, Nikki from MANPOG joins us to talk about IGN’s 54th ranked Super Nintendo game, Bust-a-Move.

In This Episode:


Theme Song:

  • Our regular theme song is Moves by Sycamore Drive and is used as our intro/outro under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.o United States License.

